Death to my anxiety

Lately, anyone knows me knows that I have been struggling. I have been struggling because of my 'slight' tendency to not take care of myself, I have a tendency to sweep things under the rug and just not deal with them. It sometimes, like recently gets to the point where everything about me is changed... Continue Reading →

Questions I’ll never understand

Let me start this by saying the following: "I will never understand life as a whole, somedays I feel like the world surrounding me is so dark and daunting and I feel so helpless and hopeless". Chances are if you are someone who doesn't believe in God or doesn't agree with Christian views you've had... Continue Reading →

Problems for the Church

For those of you that don't already know this, it's been a rough summer for me. One that has been plagued with anxieties, change and the overall fear of missing out. All of my friends are out working in a church doing ministry, then theres me... Working the most secular job you can find... a... Continue Reading →

Made to worship

You don't just decide you are not going to worship because you "don't feel like it." If that's your headspace, you have more significant issues. Worship and faith in worldly things lead to worldly results.

Dancing with the devil

I want to explain something to you, the reader, not explain to get you to have more knowledge or to convince you of something but to make you feel something. Please read to the end, because I truly do explain what I mean by all of this. You can look up at the stars and... Continue Reading →

“Who am I?”

You might find yourself asking this question just under your breath "who am I." Three words but more powerful than a surface level question, in fact, it can just be a surface level question but ultimately its what you make it to be. I can answer the question in a simple sense, or a more complex longer answer with no definite end.

“I’m not good enough.”

There was a time in my life where I had an absolute break down, to the point where I kept telling myself “you are not good enough” “you don’t deserve the spot you’re in” “you don’t deserve love”...

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